
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pillbox hat!!

Today I made a pillbox hat from scratch!! I had no pattern, just looked at images online and made it yayyyy!!!!! First image is one of me modeling the hat.

This is looking at it from center left. I made the bow also.
Lastly is an overall view of the hat.
I hope you enjoyed the pics! for more information or questions on how to make your own pill box hat just comment in the post below or email me! I love getting comments!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!! The red part actually used to be part of my ren. fest. dress which I took apart and made into a valentines day dress the shirt and front panel I made from scratch in less than 2 days, wheeww!! I did have a crown on that was a heart but I seemed to have taken it off as well as my shoes by the time I took pictures. I guess I'm the barefoot Queen! ~_*