
Sunday, January 27, 2013

yo gaba gaba

So I had a commissioned costume for the character Rock from the show 'Yo gaba gaba' This is what the finished product looked like.
The cuffs are flipped up right now but as he grows the cuffs are turned down giving another 2 1/2 inches. Since the material is stretch it will fit him for a good while.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My friend Rosie wanted to try sewing something and here it is! As her first sewing project she wanted to make an apron and it turned out lovely!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Red Winter Dress

This is my latest creation! It is very pretty and weighs a TON! Well, okay maybe not a ton...more like 5lbs. But that's still a lot of dress!!

The tiny gathers with beads on them took me hours to do. There are 94 beads total. The cape was a last minute thing that I put together in about half an hour. It is a velvet material and is fully lined. the skirt is 5 layers plus a petticoat that REALLY helped to keep me warm in this photo shoot.

I also made the pearl hair pins the morning of and it took about 15 minutes with drying time. I took bead pearls that matched the dress and threaded them on hair pins with just a drop of glue to keep them secure.

It's been a long time...

      It has been a long time since I updated here and I have a very good reason. I went  to college!! I went out to Ohio for a year of Bible College and am now back with updates! I am not updating for the people that know I have a blog since they probably will never be looking on here anyway with how long it has been since I updated last, I am updating for the people that may stumble upon my corner and find inspiration as I have in countless other spots like this one. So without further ado my latest creations.

Fist up we have my "Victorian Inspired Blue Dress."
 My Mother loves to tell people that it took over two years for me to finish this dress. She neglects to tell them that the reason for the wait is because I could not find a top I liked. I got this pattern from 'Truly Victorian' and it was a learning process. There are things I would change if I were to ever make it again, but that't the way it goes.

I made the parasol from a paper covered bamboo umbrella I bought for $4 at Hobby Lobby. I took the  original  paper off it, painted it black,  and added the lace only to discover that the spokes were to long and needed to be shortened. I marked 3 inches in and cut them off with a hand saw and repeated the process of covering the spokes with the lace.and painted it black  and added the lace. Though the lace ruffle around the edge I sewed on by hand.
This was also the first had I have made! I drafted the pattern for a small tricorn hat (think Mari Antoinette) and ended up with something completely different because as I was putting it together I decided I liked this style better for the dress anyway.

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                                                    I love the how the pictures on the stairs turned out.