
Monday, April 29, 2013

Sew busy!!

Just a quick update on what I have been working on. I made some 'dressy dress hand towels' they are super cute! I made them for a craft fair my mom and I were attending. They open up and hang over your oven or dish washer handle hooking together with velcro at the waist. Here are a few pictures of the ones I just finished.
They are in my etsy shop if you are interested. They make wonderful gifts for Mother's day, birthdays, anniversaries, hostess gifts, and teacher appreciation gifts. The possibilities are endless! Okay, maybe not endless but it sure is close!

                         This is how they are supposed to hang on the oven handle.
       The other thing I have been working on is just as cute.
     My niece saw me looking at pictures from a movie set in the 1870's with bustles and decided she wanted one too! I let them try on m hoopskirt just for fun and the had a blast swishing it. Granted they had to hold it up so they didn't trip on it. I decided to make a weapon of mass destruction....for my brother and sister-in-law's house that is. Mini hoopskirts!! Can't you just see the sweet 5 and 2 1/2 year old princesses twirling around in their hoopskirts smashing anything that gets in their way?  I can! :D  It makes me smile seeing their joy. So I made the very cheap and very quick hoopskirts for them. It took about 3 hour to make the hoopskirt and another 3 or so to make the dress that goes over the undergarments. Seriously, what good is a hoopskirt without something to wear over it?!?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I just finished a small pillbox hat in green satin with peacock feathers and some brass looking flowers at the base of the feathers. I haven't gotten pictures of it yet but it is soo cute! It actually looks kinda cute right in the front center of the hairline which I never would have thought possible. I will be getting pictures up soon I hope!