
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Dressy Dish Towels

 I should probably explain what  "Dressy Dish Towels" are. They are dish towels that I have made over to look like little dresses that hang off your oven handle or whatever handle is available in whichever room you choose. They just have to have a bar to hang over, though I am working on another design that will make it so it can hang on circular handles too. They have velcro at  the waist so they can open up, slip over the handle, and close again so they don't fall off the door when you are using either the door or the towel.
  I had an order for some "Dressy Dish Towels" from a friend.  They wanted something Christmasy. You wouldn't believe how many stores didn't have any Christmas towels! -_-  I went to a few stores before getting to Hobby Lobby and finding these cute towels. I LOVE Hobby Lobby!!! Even better...they were half off!!! YAYY!!  Without further ado here are the finished towel dresses.
Two sides of the same dress. Front and back view for comparison. 
Front view is very much in the spirit of Christmas.

Here is the back view. After Christmas is over you can just turn it around and you have a pretty winter dress.