What a weird combination to be working on at the same time. A Saree and a Victorian bustle. Only shows that it takes all kinds and that I have a very wide selection in my taste in clothing...among other things. (you should see my music collection! O_O )
Here is an update on the original design by myself inspired by the Hindi Saree. I love the clothing they wear! Bollywood clothing is to die for. the outfit is not done yet I still have to tailor it and do the finishing touche but I'm almost there!
I'm still working on exactly how I want it. It might change a little or a lot between now and the finish line but that's half the fun!
Next we have the bustle skit I'm working on. I got the pattern and the boning in the mail the other week but just a few days ago I found an almost brand new queen size sheet for $2!! I washed, ironed, and got to work. :D
It took up most all of my floor space.
And this is how much was left after all the cutting. About 1/4 of the sheet.
Isn't it crazy how these little pieces take up about 3/4 of a sheet?